Week of May 11th-15th Lessons

K-1: Teddy Bear Transport
-Grab your teddy bears! 
-Create 2 lines 10 feet apart. Put the teddy bear between your feet and jump from line to line.  How many points can you score in 1 minute!? 
2-3: Toss and Catch Challenge 
-Grab your pillow and something to catch in it (Ex: rolled-up socks, a shoe, a small ball...) 
-Place the item in the middle of your pillow, pop it up and try to catch it back in your pillow.  Every 5 catches do 10 jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or burpee's.  
4-5: Basket Flip Challenge! 
-1 laundry basket, 1 stuffed animal 
-For every 3 jumping jacks you complete you earn 1 basket flips 
-Each time you land the basket up right with the stuffed animal inside you earn a point 
-How many can you earn in 1 minute!? Challange your family to see who gets the most!